Mustang Auto Parts Mural

Mustang Auto Parts Mural

It’s been quite sometime between blog posts! We’ve been very busy prepping for a big 2021 and have started off with a bang.

At the end of 2020, we tasked out in-house designer PH (Paul-Harold) to design a mural that backs onto our warehouse. What came of this was a sleek, clean, bold, typography design.

From there we teamed up with Mike Manuka a freelance muralist in bringing PH’s design to life. After a few days and thousands of brushstrokes later, we’re happy to share with you the new mustang auto parts mural. 

Below are some photos of the painting process. Be sure to check out the video as well!


As always, comment your thoughts below.


(Pictured above) Mike blacking out the background.


(Pictured above) Headphones on and in the zone!


(Pictured above) Many hours later. Hand brushing in the final text


(Pictured above) Look at those sharp lines!


(Pictured above) This photo really shows the scale of this design


(Pictured above) Mike giving the scissor lift a workout.


(Pictured above) The finished product.


(Pictured above) Robins’ beautiful 1964.5 convertible


(Pictured above) Team MAP featuring Mike Manuka.


(Pictured above) What’s a group photo without doing a silly pose.


Click to watch the Youtube video.


Brian March 11, 2021

Looks great. I guess it had to be a mustang in the photo but a mustang and GT Falcon would look great.

Nick March 11, 2021

Price & available 66 mustang bonnet del to Wardell Nsw

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